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Towards a Complementary Humanism - save humanism and human world - by Ajith Rohan J.T.F.
Common Objective – "Save humanity and the human world." By "human world," we refer to the "man-made world...

Tuesday, 9 August 2016
Sunday, 7 August 2016
Wednesday, 3 August 2016
Political Leaders in Sri Lanka - by Ajith Rohan JTF, Rome
From a letter to a friend
මේ සටහන මගේ මිත්රයකු වූ, මැලේසියාවේ වැඩකරන, සහන් චාමරට ලියූ පිළිතුරකි. මින් අප ඔහු සමග බෙදා ගන්නේ වත්මන් ශ්රී ලංකාවේ මහත්මා හෝ වගකීමෙන් යුතු අන්යෝන්ය ගෞරවයෙන් යුතු දේශපාලනය නොමැති බවය්. එය 1948 සිට මේ දක්වා සිංහල, ද්රවිඩ, මුස්ලිම් සහ අනෙකුත් යටත්විජිතවාදී මානසිකත්වයක් ඇති බටහිර ගැති පැලැන්තියක් විසින් සිය ජිවනෝපාය බවට පත් කරගෙන ඇත. ශ්රී ලංකාවේ දේශපාලනය කිරීමට සුදුසුකම් අතර පාතාල කල්ලි නායකයෙක් වීම, අපරාධකරුවෙක් මිනී මරුවෙක් වීම, හොරමුළුවක් පවත්වාගෙන යාම, හොරකමින් මැරකමින් මුදල් හම්බ කිරීම, මත්ද්රව්ය විකිණීම සහ පිම්පියෙක් වීම ප්රධාන වේ. නමුත් මේ සැමට බටහිර ආශීර්වාදය අත්යවශ්ය සාධකයකි. මොවුන් සදාචාරය සහ නීති මත පදනම් වූ තාර්කික චින්තනය ප්රතික්ෂේප කරති. ඔවුන් පොදු වටිනාකම් සහ විශ්වීය මුළයෝ ප්රතික්ෂ්ප කරති. ඔවුන් බුද්ධිමතුන් නුරුස්සන නමුත් හැකි නම් බුද්ධිමතුන්ව මිලට ගෙන ඔවුන්ගේ “බහුඅච්චාරු” (දේශපාලනය වෙනුවට) බිස්නස් කරගෙන යන්නට පසුබට නොවෙති. මේ බහුඅච්චාරු පාලකයෝ සහ ජනතාව විශ්වීය වටිනාකම්, සදාචාරය, හොඳ හිත, පරිත්යාගශීලි භාවය, කරුණාව, දයාව දකින්නේ බුධිමත් යහපත් මිනිසුන් රවටන්නට ඇති උපක්රම හැටියටය. මේ අනුව අපි අපේ මිතුරු චාමරට කියන්නේ, අපට ශ්රී ලංකාව ජිවත් වෙන්න සුදුසු තැනක් නොවන බවය්. නමුත් අපි එකට එකතුවී යමක් කරන්නට සිතමු නම් අප ඒ සඳහා සුදානම් බව ද පවසමු.Monday, 1 August 2016
Pada Yathra (March), Self-criticism of politicians and a new leadership for Sri Lanka - by Ajith Rohan JTF, Rome
Here on this short reflection, we
reported the critical “socio-politico-economic-cultural” (SPEC) situation of Sri
Lanka, due to the new pro-west, basically separatist and extremist capitalist regime
(UNP + allies). It is explicitly the regime imposed and sustained by WEST, UK,
USA and allies, because they who have created this “cat’s paw” to punish former
President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his allies. Because they challenged West, UK
and USA by defeating their former “cat’s paw”, V. Prabhakaran (LTTE terrorist
leader). They tried hard via LTTE to
divide Sri Lanka. As we know by the email-gate of Hillary Clinton, how she and
her staff tried to stop the attacks against LTTE terrorists and how they have
tried to save this Terrorist leader. So, now they (WEST, UK, USA, Norway) want
Well, on the other hand, Chandrika K. Bandaranayke, feels guilty for an
error, as she believes, made by her father, Solomon West Ridgeway Dias
Bandaranaike in 1956. That is to say, as she affirms, that his father had
ignored the rights of Tamil of Sri Lanka. Consequently now she wants to correct
it. The problem is this that she is treating Sri Lanka and the people of Sri
Lanka as a property of her family. So Chandrika K.B. feels as if she is the
Queen of a “colonial” Sri Lanka and the people. So she collaborate with UK,USA,
Norway and allies to impose a solution according to them, ignoring the
democracy, constitutions, parliament , judicial power and sovereignty of Sri
Lanka. So we need hundreds of walks like that of joint opposition. We sustain the aims of this “Pada Yathra”.
We clearly say that former president
Mahinda Rajapaksa has defeated LTTE terrorists with the help of young sons,
brothers, husbands of the people of Sri
Lanka. They fought for the freedom, peace, harmony and the territorial
integrity. So we are always with them. The effort of West in general and UK,
USA, Norway and allies to under value
this victory on this terrible Terrorist group namely LTTE, one of the “cat’s
paws” of West, UK, USA to divide Sri Lanka, should defeat politically and
tactically. They (WEST, UK, USA and allies) helped to change the regime in Sri
Lanka with the help of India, Ngo, INGO and so many other forces. Their unique aim is
to transform the Sri Lankan victory in to a “WAR CRIME”. So, in this way, not
only the humanitarian mission becomes ridiculously a war crime but also the
people of Sri Lanka war criminals including who commanded and the soldiers. We
are against this revenge of West, UK, USA, Norway and allies.
But, Mr Rajapaksa has to make a good recollection, a public self-evaluation of his political carrier. In this way he can give reasons for some peculiar, inadequate decisions he has made putting on the risk the country. Why former President M. Rajapaksa ignored the importance of the international relations as a country which defeated LTTE terrorists? He knew very well that LTTE had secret blessings of West, UK, USA and allies; but what he had done was to appoint inadequate, non-professional personal for this important service. they could not and they had not even an idea to protect from, for example “war crime” stories of West and of LTTE diaspora. In this way today, M. Rajapaksa has to figure out how things went deteriorating all over the country. He lived in a marvelous and unreal world. His charmers took advantage of him making dirty politics while undermining his wonderful world. Today the price for those silly things is very high. So, he must apologize the people of Sri Lanka for those mistakes made by him against the country and people. In this way only people will come back to him.
Thursday, 28 July 2016
India is helping Sri Lanka to uplift health services! What about the poor in India? by Ajith Rohan JTF, Rome
ශ්රී ලංකාවේ ඉතිහාසය යළි ලියන්නට නොහැක. ඔබ පත් කළ මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ රජය ශ්රී ලංකාව 30 වසරක ත්රස්තවාදයෙන් මුදවාගත් බවත් ඔබ (ජනතාව) ඔබගේ දු දරුවන් ඒ සඳහා පුද කළ බවත් ඉතිහාසගත සත්යයකි. නමුත් මේ දිනු යුද්ධය ජනතාව වූ ඔබ ලවාම යුධ අපරාධයක් බවට පත් කරන්නට රනිල්, චන්ද්රිකා සහ මංගල වැඩ කරමින් සිටි. සිංහල බෞද්ධ කතෝලික ඔබ මේ සඳහා ඉඩ දෙන්නේද? ඔබ පැතු නිදහස යළි අහිමි කරගන්න ද ඔබ සිතන්නේ? ඔබගේ අනාගතය අඳුරු ඉන්දියානු මුඩුක්කුවක සිරවෙනු දකින්න ඔබ කැමතිද? අවදිවෙන්න දිනු නිදහස ආරක්ෂා කරගන්න.
People of Sri Lanka, I question you: where is your freedom won by the battle? Is this the way you are honouring your son/brother/husband/friend who went to fight for you and died for you? The war you won against LTTE terrorists, today, Ranil, Chandrika, Mangala and WEST, UK, USA allies are going to condemned as a war crime. They planned it and work on it strategically fooling you to define you, people of Sri Lanka, as WAR CRIMINALS. Are you ready to fight for this?
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