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Towards a Complementary Humanism - save humanism and human world - by Ajith Rohan J.T.F.

  Common Objective – "Save humanity and the human world." By "human world," we refer to the "man-made world...

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Muslim Revolutions on their historical native Territories (so called Middle-east), are right and should be! (A research paper summary 01) - Ajith RohanJTF, Rome

a comment written on Facebook

Dear Khan,
As you said, these facts are unknown to common world, but they are just there, I mean one has to search for facts, then they can know them. None can learn something if he/she is not willing to know it. Today, information are not hidden but can find easily via internet. The main problem for a normal Muslim person is the common formation received from the family, that is to say, Koranic oriented formation. As we know this formation is valid one but it has some weaknesses too. Willy-nilly we have to accept the present world situation with its inevitable global relations. So, all Muslims should fight for a better world within their frame works, and have to be up to date as far as possible. In this way Muslim people would not be used by powerful nations for their interests. You people have to encounter every day to analyse these facts and to teach  them to the common Muslims. Otherwise you can’t avoid being used.

WATER - Man, The Narrator. The protagonist of the Auto-biographical story.

WATER - Man, The Narrator. The protagonist of the Auto-biographical story.
"No man, therefore No world". Man is the creator of his world within that so-called "natural world".