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Towards a Complementary Humanism : Save Humanism and Human World - by Ajith Rohan J.T.F.

  Common Objective – "Save humanity and the human world." By "human world," we refer to the "man-made world...

Friday, 14 March 2025

The Meaning and Interpretation of so-called “extra-ordinary” Happenings - By Ajith Rohan J.T.F.


Gist of the reflection - I just try to convey according to my weltanschauung the reality about “extra-ordinary” happenings. Human beings become great and misery because of cultural-civil dynamic. The great character of interpretation becomes obscure due to habits, conventions. Human beings are not parts but universe itself and thus they can experience freely “extra-ordinary” happenings without any effort.


Human beings whenever they encounter phenomena beyond their control they unconsciously expect relative to the problem something extra-ordinary to happen and resolve the problem. The origin of these phenomena starts from their interpretations. Interpretation is on the other hand necessarily dominated and controlled by the relative cultural-civil and intellectual organizations and authorities. Though the cultural-civil dynamic is the highest form of being in the world for any human, it limits the freedom of moving beyond political and governance boundaries, conventions and traditions, moral-ethical habits they have fixed for themselves.

It is clear that human mind is formed by cultural-civil originations they belong to. In this way any human being grows with a given and fantastic images and facts about themselves, others, and the world. They necessarily achieve limited and flat world visions that works according to habits, conventions, and traditions. They function even without thinking or considering seriously.

Within this socio-political-economic-cultural and intellectual ground human have divided the world into ambiguous realms such as - normal and abnormal, hierarchies of power, good and bad, reward and punishment. Thus, they live in complete uncertainty about their existence and about their imaginary invisible worlds. On this dark marshy background simply start so-called “extra-ordinary” events. Once something happens, they think habitually according to what they have taught and forced to follow and thus, irrationally believe that they are moving beyond their “normal” and “habitual” dirty world experiences and ambiguous realities. They feel easy.   

They do not realize that they are in the universal stream and not in a “separate prison world” to be saved by somebody. So, anywhere in this universe is universe. Thus, human beings and their fantastic world views have no escape from that. Nobody is in the universe to punish or reward. The main thing is that human beings do not realize that anything call “extra-ordinary” is always possible in the universe. Furthermore, anything that happens in the universe has no reasons or logics. They are happening exactly the same way that human heart is beating spontaneously, and blood circulation is happening without human interference.      

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WATER - Man, The Narrator. The protagonist of the Auto-biographical story.

WATER - Man, The Narrator. The protagonist of the Auto-biographical story.
"No man, therefore No world". Man is the creator of his world within that so-called "natural world".