General picture - Humans perceive the world regularly due to congenital mathematical character. Mathematics helps interpret abstract ideas, regularizing irregular concepts into structured narratives, despite natural irregularities. Plato's geometrical shapes exemplify how mathematics serves as a catalyst to understand and interpret the world. But the important fact is human beings regularize everything they encounter irregular according to their will.
The world and the universe are irregular – wrinkled, crinkled, and irregularly shaped. But for Euclidian Geometry everything is shaped regularly. Human beings are strangely seeing everything in a regular way. They are not able to understand irregular things because they lack “significance” and thus impossible to “interpret” and “narrate” as they “feel” and as they “want”.
In an irregular universe, strangely human understanding of themselves, the world and surroundings and the universe are all based on regular ideas invented gradually by themselves. They are indexed according to a relative logic in order to interpret and to narrate. Human understanding is always end with a narration of collected elements and information.
There is no singular discipline called “Mathematic” but over time this “pluralistic dynamic” encompasses a collection of interconnected fields, each with its own specialized focus and application. So, even so-called non-scientific or non-mathematic discipline developed its own contextual “mathematic” for the necessity. This “set of mathematics” right now that humans have developed contains different branches like – algebra, analysis, arithmetic, combinatorics, Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries, game theory, number theory, numerical analysis, optimization, probability, set theory, statistics, topology, and trigonometry. Further, Engineers, Physicists, Economists and experts in other fields utilize concepts and tools from these diverse mathematical areas for their relative needs.
How mathematics become important in human understanding, interpretation and narration? There is no discipline that has not served their own mathematic. A Doctoral Thesis on this matter, submitted to the Faculty of Philosophy of the Urban University of Rome, Italy, defines mathematics as an indefinable and congenital characteristic of the human mind and as one of the five constitutive elements of a fraction of thought (ARJTF, Rome, 2008). Thanks to this important congenital thought dynamic man is able to manipulate, analyse, logically expose, describe, and interpret abstract ideas.
Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circle and barks are not smooth, and lightning does not travel in straight lines but for mathematics everything is contrary to natural irregularity. Plato indexed five solids or geometrical shapes as constitutive elements of the world and the ideas (Plato, Timaeus, 360 A.C.). The most important fact is that any kind of mathematic becomes a relative catalyst and the catalyser as well as the tool to regularize and thus materialize all irregular abstract concepts into relative narratives.
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