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Towards a Complementary Humanism : Save Humanism and Human World - by Ajith Rohan J.T.F.

  Common Objective – "Save humanity and the human world." By "human world," we refer to the "man-made world...

Thursday, 13 March 2025

Artificial Intelligence and the dynamic human Relations - by Ajith Rohan J.T.F.


Gist of the reflection - I have tried to convey an existential presence to the AI relation with human beings with practical tasks. Human beings are per excellence the interpreters and infusers of significance different from AI calculus outputs. So, man has to cultivate the dynamic relational life with empathy and with mutual respect considering the world as the shared home. AI can accompany them to their happiness within their limits. This reflection invites further contemplation

Better not to take-refuge on AI

Today we live in detached or “connected -disconnected” personal dominions or in social media account worlds. The main characteristic “mono-cultural narcissistic worlds” is that each “user” becomes a solitary reaper per definition. Each person waits for his/her turn. The other inevitable issue is that each “user” is clearly an object of “virtual commerce”. None can deny the fact: commerce or getting something from “users” from their sold or free programs. This, on the other hand, is the primary nature of the universe. Everything is moving, changing, transforming, and wiggling – just to become by getting, giving or give because forced or unconsciously tricked to give something in order to become. So, this new “man-made” virtual culture cannot be different than their source energy: Tricky commerce based “panta rhei”.  

Though each person thrives in the spaces between “users” (virtual “us”) all are suffering from anxiety and solitude. Because AI excel in isolation, its algorithms spinning in a vacuum. It works to reach by hook or crook of calculations, fixed objectives of their creators or digital feudal masters like Microsoft, Google, Apple, X etc.  but subjective human beings are bound by flesh, by breath, by the fragile threads of relation. So, isolated “users” have to spend more time and money to stay “connected-disconnected”. Human has to keep in mind that their subjective nature cannot be replaced by any machine or AI dynamic. No machine can imitate: the warmth of empathy, the risk of trust, the chaos of love. While AI optimizes systems for profit purposes human nurture bonds—between each other, with the earth, even with the machines themselves. Beyond all cultural-civil and intellectual interpretations Humanity flows on an excellence emotional catalyst generated by itself. When a healer offers not only cure but also a hand to hold and a teacher who guides students not only through AI but through curiosity this catalyst exalts itself in emotions. This subjective experience is louder than AI codes.

Better not to run too fast

Today each person is trying to run more than before or/and others. They want to run and conclude their affairs as fast as possible. When get into the road each person wants to be the first and to have the precedence to move. Behaving like this they slowed their movements in depression, anxiety and in pathological emptiness. This is a deeper current still. So, AI reveals their limits like purposelessness of life, slowness, errors, mortality. In this way AI accidentally sharpens the contours of human striving. The main thing is that human beings are not static; they are moving always restlessly to reach something beyond individually and collectively. So, we can say that machine achieves, perfects; where human seek and transcend. So, human beings have to live their questions rather than to solve them in a hurry. In this way they can feel the special nature of their existence.

AI is a human creation. It hands human beings as I discussed in No.01 of the series of AI articles, the best tools to map the stars, cure the body, feed the hungry – yet human beings have to decide why these matter for them. So, I am by this article not asking anybody to give up the world or to be miserable but to enjoy the life by being more human. It is better to understand well the present situation of the world before struggling with absurd provocations of AI agencies and talk shows of opportunists. Per se AI is neutral as I wrote in my 01 article. So, I am not cursing AI but asking to pay attention to human intentions and actions behind the seen. Everybody is talking about or the past or the future, but nobody is thinking about what they are living now. So, this tricky. Human beings are tricked by their past errors and promising paradises. So, each single human being must learn to be happy at present with what he/she got and who the person is without comparing too much.


The universe has no purpose. Likewise, human beings do not have an inherent purpose for existing or not existing. Despite this, they are dynamically conscious beings with the power of interpretation. For example, the universe and the natural world may be considered perfect, yet human beings can enhance them further through their interpretations. In this way, humans actively write their own histories.

On the other hand, AI is fascinating to everyone right now. With this powerful tool, there should be greater focus on governance, human rights, and social justice, grounded in mutual respect. As human history reveals, it is unsurprising that people periodically become victims of their own systems. In response, they unconsciously revert to a more "natural" state, where compassion, emotion, empathy, and concern for others are lacking. This leads to the notion that man becomes a wolf to his fellow man (Homo homini lupus est). Therefore, with the aid of their own inventions, humans must strive to be more consciously awakened human. 

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WATER - Man, The Narrator. The protagonist of the Auto-biographical story.
"No man, therefore No world". Man is the creator of his world within that so-called "natural world".