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Towards a Complementary Humanism - save humanism and human world - by Ajith Rohan J.T.F.

  Common Objective – "Save humanity and the human world." By "human world," we refer to the "man-made world...

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

WATER VII - Man, The Narrator towards Complementary Humanim - 6 and 7 pages

 I’d like to report in this way the most important universal fact regarding our existence: communication. Moreover, communication is the main and general catalysis of all our possible activities and knowledge.  This is why I affirm that man cannot be, not communicating. That is to say, the mere presence of man, even without a word, relatively communicates something. It is fundamental and crucial.



  1. I'm agree with you Rohan regarding human cannot to be without communication.. and nowadays the science tell Human are social animal but it is not true.. because science catalogued us only as animal with brain but we have the word gift and we can speak and with speaking we communicate.. with the communication we can sharing our souls our kind of personality nd behaviour and most important with the communication we can cure,tratment others person for example a person who is upfront on her him sadness but he's looking or she's looking a good advice from us exct.. this message by gianluca iliad..

    1. Thank you Gianluca. As you also have understood the basic dynamic of all existence is communication. It is not something objective but subjective + subjective as Martin Buber partly said in his work "Ich und Du" (German language). Well the fundamental relevant nature of universe in general and of any simplest single phenomena (for example could be any type of quantum) is panta rei - in other words chaos. It is fuzzy. This nature is the cause of communication. well Gianluca Now I have to go out for a moment and I'll write you later. Since then bye.


WATER - Man, The Narrator. The protagonist of the Auto-biographical story.

WATER - Man, The Narrator. The protagonist of the Auto-biographical story.
"No man, therefore No world". Man is the creator of his world within that so-called "natural world".