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Towards a Complementary Humanism - save humanism and human world - by Ajith Rohan J.T.F.

  Common Objective – "Save humanity and the human world." By "human world," we refer to the "man-made world...

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Buddhist culture only unites us as brothers and sisters. It is our common treasure of values.

Sri Lankans (Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim and others) shouldn’t be afraid or hesitate to think and to act according to their identity but on the base of Buddhist culture, because, the Buddhist culture only unites us as brothers and sisters. It is our common treasure of values to live peacefully in Sri Lanka.  


As we know clearly, after handing over the keys of the abandoned house called Sri Lanka to “white headed brown colour skin puppets” the British started to govern with remote controls. Those white headeds were (are) strange people (that time and also now) who, during foreign dominations, became their devotees, adopting even their religion, language and culture started to keep Sri Lanka for their name deceiving people of Sri Lanka. They converted to Buddhism just to trick people of Sri Lanka. Just think and observe present prime minister (Anglican) and former president Chandrika K.B. (Anglican),  they both have foreign frustrated minds. They hate Sri Lanka and Buddhist culture. Some says that Rajapaksa’s are Malay (?). These we write here, just to understand dishonest ways of playing political games in Sri Lanka (We never follow any division among people of Sri Lanka. We all are brothers and sisters, until we share the Buddhist culture as the basic platform to live respecting each other. That is our position).   

Well, in such a bad situation like this, I don’t wonder if the people of Sri Lanka have a strong cynicism towards politics, politicians and towards revolutionaries. But… the people of Sri Lanka are not so smart to lean the real nature of those crocodiles. They (people of Sri Lanka) believe in family names, powerful social figures, actors, actress, players and thugs, and they elect them as their leaders.  But, they pretend to be keen on selecting, while selling කැහි ගෑණි to buy හොටු ගෑණි.  Well, it seems, that cynic and doubtful mentalities are common to Sri Lanka. I mean, they are not used as orientations to select and to elect the best. 

Now in our opinion, it is not the time to play political games, but each and everybody has the responsibility to illuminate the people of Sri Lanka, highlighting true facts regarding conspiracies against the integrity of the country, of the people and of the sovereign state. The apologies no longer needed. Instead anyone who decides to work for the country, he/she must shows with deeds, behavior and with words his/her sincerity. As we know, the Left, the Right or other old little parties do not cross the real needs of the citizens of Sri Lanka. they work for Western and American strategies. They are puppets and traitors of Sri Lanka. Now, people need to be enlightened and prepare them to be strong to protect themselves and their country.

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WATER - Man, The Narrator. The protagonist of the Auto-biographical story.

WATER - Man, The Narrator. The protagonist of the Auto-biographical story.
"No man, therefore No world". Man is the creator of his world within that so-called "natural world".