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Towards a Complementary Humanism - save humanism and human world - by Ajith Rohan J.T.F.

  Common Objective – "Save humanity and the human world." By "human world," we refer to the "man-made world...

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Verdi 200th Anniversary (10 October): Verdi in comics


  1. Testi profondi con un disegno di contorno molto accurato.
    Il fumetto usato come mezzo culturale
    permette a chiunque di avvicinarsi alla conoscenza in modo didatticamente valido.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If you set out to make me think today; mission accomplished! I really like your writing style and how you express your ideas. Thank you. 鬼滅の刃 無料アプリ

    1. Thank you Shahzaib. You have underlined the usefulness of my work as a philosopher, researcher and narrator of life. By doing so you encouraged me to continue my polyvalent work. Thank you.


WATER - Man, The Narrator. The protagonist of the Auto-biographical story.

WATER - Man, The Narrator. The protagonist of the Auto-biographical story.
"No man, therefore No world". Man is the creator of his world within that so-called "natural world".